Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Supermarket Changes

The Supermarket industry is changing to meet the demands of customers who are searching for healthier foods and products. The rising baby-boomer generation is trying to remedy their health problems and issues by buying foods and products that are more organic or natural to better themselves and environment. My interest in health care and in perserving our environment led me to choose this research topic for my college independent learning project. I welcome any input you may have regarding this topic.

Thank you!!



Joe said...

That's pretty amazing, Jan.

Remember when you were afraid to even turn a computer on? Now look at your work!

Unknown said...

Good job Jan!!! Looking forward to the education I can glean from your blog

Artie said...

I am amazed. When Cambridge College started you had no clue about computers. Now you have a blog and you have some great powerpoint presentations. Good job on your blog.

Artie said...

Is anyone still awake

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work you have come a long way with your skills.

Anonymous said...

For someone who didn't know what the initials PC stood for, "You Done Good"
Nice page Jan - well done

Catherine said...

Hi Jan,
Good beginning, I echo Joe's and others remarks - you are surfing at high speeds now....

Gary said...

Jan, excellent job, colorful picture. your computer skills are greatly improving keep it up and you will be teaching the class

Anonymous said...

Educational funding has been slashed, just about totally eliminating physical education classes which gave students rigorous, regular exercise,(which were great socialization tools) in addition to health classes.
As a society that is bringing up it's young on soda, high fat fast foods, "Lunchables" as an acceptable meal replacement option, and little no no exercise except for video games, how do you reach society as a "whole" for this education? How to you teach a child as they mature and grow to eat healthy and select products wisely when it was not imbedded in them as a child?
Although many markets are going after the all natural as well as organic crowd, which, tends to be quite expensive - what do you do to reach the average blue collar, or poverty line population - especially where there is no support in our educational system regarding nutrition? It has an eerie link to different races and income levels for cancer screening - people can't afford it, so they don't do it.
Just curious